[ { "work_title": "Thematic Funds", "client": "Swiss Philanthropy Foundation", "clientURL": "swiss-philanthropy-foundation", "workID": "598", "wordDate": "2017", "show_brand": "{show_brand}", "description": "\n \n
Where there are a handful of generous donors, there are a million more NGO's in need of support. But how to sort the chaff from the wheat, ensuring these NGOs have sustainable programmes with thorough planning and accounting processes that will make the most of this funding?<\/p>\n\n
This is the mission of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation.<\/p>\n\n
During a 4-day \"Thematic Funds\" workshop dedicated to Youth Employment in Hanoi, Vietnam, SPF made sure that their handpicked NGO partners could make the greatest impact in the field with the right backing from their donors.
\nThrough the animation of hand-drawn concept boards, brainstorming sessions and field trip coverage, and some key interviews, Filmages edited this piece to help SPF reach out to even more generous donors worldwide.<\/p>\n ",
"longdescription": "
Where there are a handful of generous donors, there are a million more NGO's in need of support. But how to sort the chaff from the wheat, ensuring these NGOs have sustainable programmes with thorough planning and accounting processes that will make the most of this funding?<\/p>\n\n
This is the mission of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation.<\/p>\n\n
During a 4-day \"Thematic Funds\" workshop dedicated to Youth Employment in Hanoi, Vietnam, SPF made sure that their handpicked NGO partners could make the greatest impact in the field with the right backing from their donors.
\nThrough the animation of hand-drawn concept boards, brainstorming sessions and field trip coverage, and some key interviews, Filmages edited this piece to help SPF reach out to even more generous donors worldwide.<\/p>",
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