[ { "work_title": "Because We Love Rugby", "client": "Societe Generale", "clientURL": "societe-generale", "workID": "25", "wordDate": "2007", "show_brand": "{show_brand}", "description": "\n \n
What does the Rugby World Cup and Societe Generale have in common? Turns out, quite a lot! <\/p>\n\n
As a title sponsor, SG organised public screenings and took the opportunity to make that relationship crystal clear by regularly broadcasting this breaker promo.<\/p>\n\n
In this video we put the corporate values of Societe Generale side by side with the elements of Rugby.<\/p>\n\n
By intertwining corporate materials with the World Cup we were able to celebrate the conjunction of these two organisations and make a compelling breaker for the Cup. <\/p>\n ", "longdescription": "
What does the Rugby World Cup and Societe Generale have in common? Turns out, quite a lot! <\/p>\n\n
As a title sponsor, SG organised public screenings and took the opportunity to make that relationship crystal clear by regularly broadcasting this breaker promo.<\/p>\n\n
In this video we put the corporate values of Societe Generale side by side with the elements of Rugby.<\/p>\n\n
By intertwining corporate materials with the World Cup we were able to celebrate the conjunction of these two organisations and make a compelling breaker for the Cup. <\/p>", "descriptionlink": "", "thumb": "/images/made/images/thumbs/Societe_Generale_Rugby_00001_840_473.jpg", "selectButton": "Add to Selection", "selectButtonClass": "addToSelection", "selectURL": "https:\/\/www.filmages.com\/?ACT=29&p=YToyOntzOjg6ImVudHJ5X2lkIjtzOjI6IjI1IjtzOjExOiJjbG9uZWRfZnJvbSI7YjowO30=&ret=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmages.com%2F_ajax%2FworkDetail-json%2Fsgcib_because-we-love-rugby", "status" : "listed", "shareURL": "https:\/\/www.filmages.com\/project\/sgcib_because-we-love-rugby", "videoID": "q6kDHr_qfnI", "self_video" : "false", "flexvideo" : "flex-video widescreen", "categories" : [ "Celebration","Promotional","Sports","Banking & Finance"], "categoriesURL" : [ "https://www.filmages.com/work/category/celebration","https://www.filmages.com/work/category/promotional","https://www.filmages.com/work/category/sports","https://www.filmages.com/work/category/banking-finance"], "tags" : [], "tagsURL" : [], "thumbs" : [ "\/images\/made\/images\/thumbs\/Societe_Generale_Rugby_00002_300_169.jpg","\/images\/made\/images\/thumbs\/Societe_Generale_Rugby_00003_300_169.jpg","\/images\/made\/images\/thumbs\/Societe_Generale_Rugby_00004_300_169.jpg"], "awards" : [ ], "awardsName" : [ ], "clientID" : "390" } ]