[ { "work_title": "The Investigation - Company Presentation 2016", "client": "La Rose Noire", "clientURL": "la-rose-noire", "workID": "533", "wordDate": "2016", "show_brand": "{show_brand}", "description": "\n \n
How could we turn a classic case of corporate need into a piece of entertainment? How could we engage an audience of existing customers with the details of the whole of La Rose Noire's processes?<\/p>\n\n
We turned the story upside down! Instead of highlighting the positive points of production, we lead the audience into a dramatic exploration of LRN operations from the perspective of hired investigators.<\/p>\n\n
For what was a rather dark movie, we had to come up with a positive resolution to ensure the audience came away informed and satisfied.
\n <\/p>\n ",
"longdescription": "
How could we turn a classic case of corporate need into a piece of entertainment? How could we engage an audience of existing customers with the details of the whole of La Rose Noire's processes?<\/p>\n\n
We turned the story upside down! Instead of highlighting the positive points of production, we lead the audience into a dramatic exploration of LRN operations from the perspective of hired investigators.<\/p>\n\n
For what was a rather dark movie, we had to come up with a positive resolution to ensure the audience came away informed and satisfied.
\n <\/p>",
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