[ { "work_title": "Equestrian Olympics 2008 memoir video", "client": "GL Events", "clientURL": "gl-events", "workID": "119", "wordDate": "2008", "show_brand": "{show_brand}", "description": "\n \n
Let's say it wasn't just the athletes who had to bring their A Game to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. <\/p>\n\n
GL Events suffered major setbacks due to incredibly harsh weather conditions and had only 15 days to do damage control.<\/p>\n\n
As everyone waded ankle deep through the mud to rebuild the equestrian obstacle course, and with uttelry disrupted production plan, Filmages documented whatever the skies let them. Narrative could only be developed later.<\/p>\n\n
In the end the competition went off without a hitch, and the audience at the GL Events annual convention were blown away by their comeback, heroically featured by our video.<\/p>\n ", "longdescription": "
Let's say it wasn't just the athletes who had to bring their A Game to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. <\/p>\n\n
GL Events suffered major setbacks due to incredibly harsh weather conditions and had only 15 days to do damage control.<\/p>\n\n
As everyone waded ankle deep through the mud to rebuild the equestrian obstacle course, and with uttelry disrupted production plan, Filmages documented whatever the skies let them. Narrative could only be developed later.<\/p>\n\n
In the end the competition went off without a hitch, and the audience at the GL Events annual convention were blown away by their comeback, heroically featured by our video.<\/p>", "descriptionlink": "", "thumb": "/images/made/images/thumbs/GLEvents_001_840_473.jpg", "selectButton": "Add to Selection", "selectButtonClass": "addToSelection", "selectURL": "https:\/\/www.filmages.com\/?ACT=29&p=YToyOntzOjg6ImVudHJ5X2lkIjtzOjM6IjExOSI7czoxMToiY2xvbmVkX2Zyb20iO2I6MDt9&ret=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmages.com%2F_ajax%2FworkDetail-json%2Fgl-events_equestrian-olympics-2008-memoir", "status" : "listed", "shareURL": "https:\/\/www.filmages.com\/project\/gl-events_equestrian-olympics-2008-memoir", "videoID": "9nk4dn881yA", "self_video" : "false", "flexvideo" : "flex-video widescreen", "categories" : [ "Events","Corporate","Documentary","Sports","Exhibitions & Conventions"], "categoriesURL" : [ "https://www.filmages.com/work/category/event-coverage","https://www.filmages.com/work/category/corporate","https://www.filmages.com/work/category/documentary","https://www.filmages.com/work/category/sports","https://www.filmages.com/work/category/exhibitions-conventions"], "tags" : ["dim sum","event contractor"], "tagsURL" : ["/work/tag/dim+sum","/work/tag/event+contractor"], "thumbs" : [ "\/images\/made\/images\/thumbs\/GLEvents_2008_equestrian-olympics_02_300_169.png","\/images\/made\/images\/thumbs\/GLEvents_2008_equestrian-olympics_03_300_169.png","\/images\/made\/images\/thumbs\/GLEvents_2008_equestrian-olympics_04_300_169.png"], "awards" : [ ], "awardsName" : [ ], "clientID" : "344" } ]