[ { "work_title": "35th Anniversary", "client": "Shaheen Sports Club", "clientURL": "shaheen-sports-club", "workID": "596", "wordDate": "2017", "show_brand": "{show_brand}", "description": "\n \n
Shaheen Sports Club<\/a>, building character since 1982, celebrated their 35th anniversary partnering with Filmages to pay homage to their youth football and hockey teams.<\/p>\n\n Our videographers were just getting warmed up as they took to the streets of Mong Kok to visit Shaheen Home Base. Then, with a freshly broken sweat, we got stuck into the action as they battled it out at Adidas<\/a> Sports Base.<\/p>\n\n With this tribute we thank the coaches for instilling the spirit of sportsmanship and creativity in the youth, and helping us shed a few ounces at the same time.<\/p>\n ",
"longdescription": " Shaheen Sports Club<\/a>, building character since 1982, celebrated their 35th anniversary partnering with Filmages to pay homage to their youth football and hockey teams.<\/p>\n\n Our videographers were just getting warmed up as they took to the streets of Mong Kok to visit Shaheen Home Base. Then, with a freshly broken sweat, we got stuck into the action as they battled it out at Adidas<\/a> Sports Base.<\/p>\n\n With this tribute we thank the coaches for instilling the spirit of sportsmanship and creativity in the youth, and helping us shed a few ounces at the same time.<\/p>",
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